Meditation "Inner Smile"

Ancient Taoist technique of directing attention inward for self-healing with the author's flow of Valentin Voronin

What is an inner smile?

The Inner Smile Meditation is an ancient Taoist practice, the essence of which is to direct attention not outward, but inward — to each organ in each system and structure of your body. We smile at each organ and feel how the organ smiles back at us.

The Smile Practice is the direction of positive attention, with love and kindness, into your own field. Bringing energy into your system even through the Inner Smile is already a good healing result.

About the expert

Valentin Voronin

Valentin Voronin

Founder of the school of self-development "White Mirror". Practicing psychotherapist, Master of Psychology, hypnologist. A sought-after coach for VIPs. Based on 20 years of experience working with people and my own research in the areas of:

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Osteopathy
  • Channeling
  • Radioesthesia
  • Hypnosis

And also modern energy practices:

  • Progressor of cosmoenergetics
  • Reiki Master
  • Studied: Vedas, Upanishads, Hindu Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Orthodox Christianity, Catholic Christianity
  • Studied at the Fourth Way school and other secret sects.

Based on this knowledge, I created my own system of working with the psyche and somatics, the Voronin Method.

The vibrations of the human energy field reflect his spiritual experience. The deeper the spiritual path of the Master, the stronger the healing effect of his vibrations transmitted through meditations. Valentin combines the knowledge of three directions of Tibetan Buddhism and has extensive experience in various practices, such as Reiki, cosmoenergetics and others. He has developed a system of attention and consciousness management for healing, which he shares in his courses and retreats. The meditations he conducts promote restoration and healing in the chosen directions.

How does meditation work?

You can practice the "Inner Smile" in any position, at any moment in your life. But for training, it is recommended to start from a simple meditative position - sitting, with your eyes closed.
In our School, you go through meditation with a video recording with the Master - Valentin Voronin. The video recording lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

The difference between regular meditation, where you work with your consciousness on your own, and meditation in resonance with the Master and his accumulated experience is colossal. You regulate the time of meditation, learn from the voice accompaniment and resonate with the experience of the Master. This is comparable to walking along a beaten path along a known route, instead of independently looking for the way home in the dark.

What is included in the "inner smile" package?

4 lessons

4 video recordings of meditations with Valentin Voronin on a convenient platform.


You can always ask questions about the practice and get an answer from our Care Service or the Master himself.


Inner Smile Meditation

Inner Smile Meditation

Access for 1 month

Price:: 4 700 RUR

to pay

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