Basics of Meditation "Za Zen"
The best online course for beginners according to students of the White Mirror School
Don't you feel any energy?
Can't concentrate in meditation?
In 40 days of proper meditation, you will receive fundamental knowledge and a base on which you can steadily rely in life!
40 days
You will need it to learn the basics of Dza Zen meditation.
Immediately after purchasing the course, you will be added to the general chat in WhatsApp
Online format
Take classes in a convenient place at any time convenient for you
During the classes, you will master all the necessary foundations of meditation and will be able to evaluate changes in your own well-being and perception.
About the expert
Valentin Voronin
Founder of the school of self-development "White Mirror". Practicing psychotherapist, Master of Psychology, hypnologist. A sought-after coach for VIPs. Based on 20 years of experience working with people and my own research in the areas of:
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Osteopathy
- Channeling
- Radioesthesia
- Hypnosis
And also modern energy practices:
- Progressor of cosmoenergetics
- Reiki Master
- Studied: Vedas, Upanishads, Hindu Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Orthodox Christianity, Catholic Christianity
- Studied at the Fourth Way school and other secret sects.
Based on this knowledge, I created my own system of working with the psyche and somatics, the Voronin Method.
The vibrations of the human energy field reflect his spiritual experience. The deeper the spiritual path of the Master, the stronger the healing effect of his vibrations transmitted through meditations. Valentin combines the knowledge of three directions of Tibetan Buddhism and has extensive experience in various practices, such as Reiki, cosmoenergetics and others. He has developed a system of attention and consciousness management for healing, which he shares in his courses and retreats. The meditations he conducts promote restoration and healing in the chosen directions.
Who is this course for?
- Are you a beginner or an advanced student of the school
- You are ready to change
- You understand that in order to become better, you need to invest effort, time and money
- You are ready to perceive new information
- You want to grow and develop
A few minutes after the start of meditation, the mind is occupied with extraneous thoughts, dialogues and questions. Attention is defocused and takes you far from the goal. Have you noticed?
Or you are engaged in self-development, have undergone attunements and initiations, but are still not sure that you are doing everything correctly, and because of this, it is difficult for you to meditate. Any techniques that I give to students allow you to develop energetic vision.
The reason why it doesn't open right away?
You don't believe in yourself! Internal struggle, internal distortion of your original structure leads to anxiety, various loops of the mind, which draws in a huge amount of energy, and accordingly - energy vision and perception of information disappears.
But as soon as you manage to calm down and do everything correctly - you begin to feel, the vision opens. You will begin to read information from the surrounding world.
Start studying the course now!
Free introductory lecture on the chakra system and answers to questions from school students about the course.
Как это работает
Доступ к курсу откроется сразу после оплаты
Вас добавят в отдельный чат WhatsApp для общения со всеми, кто проходит или прошел этот курс
Вы будете практиковать медитацию параллельно с Мастером, входя в резонанс
Вы сможете проходить курс в удобное для вас время в любой точке мира, открывая занятия одно за одним
3, 9, 12, 18, 21, 22, 33, 40 - особые занятия
На них будет происходить инициация определенных энергий в полевые структуры всех участников, благодаря которым появится некое знание и мудрость, как использовать полученные инструменты для самоисцеления
After completing the course you will:
- You will acquire fundamental knowledge that you can rely on steadily
- You will learn the technique of stopping internal dialogue
- You will understand the intricacies of the basics of breathing and body position
- You will distribute attention correctly to your internal processes
- Stop emotional fluctuations
- You will greatly enhance the effect of the attunements and initiations you have already received
- You will understand how frequencies work with your own field structure
- You will get answers to many questions that interest you
- You will begin to see and feel energies, read internal and external information
Enrollment in the course "Za Zen. Basics of Meditation"
Just stop!
To teach you how to meditate correctly and manage your attention, I am conducting this course
Feedback from meditation participants
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Как перестать обманывать себя?
Поймите, что кроме вас у вас, на самом деле, нет никого. И если вы не определились с тем, что Вы управляете, то кто управляет?
Конфликты с близкими родственниками
Друзья, такое явление встречается довольно часто. Важно уметь находить подход.
Как понять источник импульса: светлый он или темный?
В любом случае, если этот импульс позитивный, он несет в себе знак «плюс» — нечто правильное, доброе, позитивное. Соответственно, импульс отрицательной системы всегда идет со знаком «минус». То есть, это уже не про идею и развитие.