Vip meditations

Special healing meditations

What's special about VIP meditations?

At VIP Meditations, Valentin launches programs of restoration/cleansing/harmonization of body systems, depending on the dysfunctions identified in those present.

The work takes place specifically with each person who studies with the Master in the recording, regardless of the time.

About the expert

Valentin Voronin

Valentin Voronin

Founder of the school of self-development "White Mirror". Practicing psychotherapist, Master of Psychology, hypnologist. A sought-after coach for VIPs. Based on 20 years of experience working with people and my own research in the areas of:

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Osteopathy
  • Channeling
  • Radioesthesia
  • Hypnosis

And also modern energy practices:

  • Progressor of cosmoenergetics
  • Reiki Master
  • Studied: Vedas, Upanishads, Hindu Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Orthodox Christianity, Catholic Christianity
  • Studied at the Fourth Way school and other secret sects.

Based on this knowledge, I created my own system of working with the psyche and somatics, the Voronin Method.

The vibrations of the human energy field reflect his spiritual experience. The deeper the spiritual path of the Master, the stronger the healing effect of his vibrations transmitted through meditations. Valentin combines the knowledge of three directions of Tibetan Buddhism and has extensive experience in various practices, such as Reiki, cosmoenergetics and others. He has developed a system of attention and consciousness management for healing, which he shares in his courses and retreats. The meditations he conducts promote restoration and healing in the chosen directions.

Why do we need VIP meditations?

In the process, Valentin removes negative energy-informational structures, energy breakdowns, attachments - everything that interferes with your good condition.

What is an energy breakdown?
A breakdown is damage to your energy cocoon, to your field.

A person is a complex creature and many know that there is a certain aura around the physical body. An energy shell. When the shell is whole and smooth, a person feels good. Holes in the shell are felt differently, depending on the nature of their appearance. But this is always an unpleasant phenomenon. By breakdown I mean an external impact on the energy-informational field, after which a hole is formed in the energy field, without direct contact.

For example, you are sitting quietly, drinking tea, and someone, from a photo of you, for example, from social networks, deliberately influences you. For their own purposes, they clearly do not wish you well. What exactly this person is doing in relation to you, I cannot say - this is not my area. But they definitely work in the dark. Love spells are also included there.

At this moment, an impact comes to your field structure, a sharp pressure comes in some area. You may not even feel it, because most people are focused on their social affairs and experiences.

The consequences of such breakdowns are visible later in life: poor health, accidental injuries, depression... A person gradually crumbles. Social, psychological problems appear, etc.

This is a breakdown - magical work on you. And in this case, you yourself will not be able to do anything. Such things can be removed by a specialist with a higher level than the one who worked on you.

VIP circles remove external energy load from a person.

After cleansing, Valentin sets energy programs to restore various organ systems, tissues. Each lesson is aimed at a separate organ or system.

This is serious work, equivalent to an individual consultation.

But here, too, there are small differences. During a consultation, the process is precisely aimed at a specific person, but in VIP circles the work is more widespread and if the impact on a person has a much higher potential, it may not fly off.

Options for participation in VIP meditations

Access for 4 months

Access for 4 months

5 VIP Meditations containing energy vibrations aimed at protecting, strengthening and restoring human potential.

Price:: 18 800 RUR

to pay
Access for 4 months

Access for 4 months

6 VIP meditations in the recording to restore the potential of 5 main organs: heart, lungs, spleen, kidneys, liver.

Price:: 18 800 RUR

to pay
Access for 4 months

Access for 4 months

A full circle (34 pieces) of VIP meditations in the recording for cleansing from negative programs and restoring the potential of all systems and organs,

Price:: 103 400 RUR

to pay

Do you want to learn how to work with streams on your own?

Start your training with the course "Power Transfer: Stage 1"

Tuning into healing flows for basic work

and all the necessary practices for beginners and continuing education.


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