Our attunements

Divine Alignment

Divine Alignment

Author's stream by Valentin Voronin for independent work with deep energy dysfunctions and clamps in the body.
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Divine Healing

Divine Healing

Author's frequencies of Valentin Voronin for working with your unconscious
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Divine Immersion

Divine Immersion

Author's flow of Valentin Voronin. Stimulates deeper immersion in meditation, receiving information from the subconscious, regarding any process, human structure or system.
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Divine Restoration

Divine Restoration

Author's frequencies of Valentin Voronin for working with your unconscious
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Central Nervous System Frequencies

Central Nervous System Frequencies

Author's flow of Valentin Voronin for improving the work of the Central nervous system

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Endocrine System Frequencies

Endocrine System Frequencies

Development and regulation of the energy structure of the endocrine system

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Five elements

Five elements

Powerful sets of tools from the Divine hierarchy for regulating the energy-informational field of the five main organs

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Why choose us?

A team of experienced specialists
Individual, unique
and rich programs.
A flexible approach to learning
that fits your life.
Support and guidance
every step of the way.
Inspiring and friendly

What will you get after our attunements?

Inner peace and balance:

  • Our practices will help you find harmony and peace within yourself.

Deep state of relaxation:

  • You will learn to relax and release stress and tension.

Improved physical and emotional well-being:

  • Our methods will help you improve your health and mood.

New tools for personal growth:

  • You will gain valuable knowledge and skills that will help you become better and develop further.

Deep understanding of yourself and your needs:

  • You will be able to better understand yourself and your emotions, which will help you make more informed decisions in life.

Who are our attunements suitable for?

Our attunements are suitable for anyone who seeks harmony and inner balance. These practices are designed for anyone who wants to find peace and calm in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Regardless of your level of experience or current challenges, our attunements will help you find inner harmony and balance. Join our practices and find a deep sense of peace.

About the expert

Valentin Voronin

Valentin Voronin

Founder of the school of self-development "White Mirror". Practicing psychotherapist, Master of Psychology, hypnologist. A sought-after coach for VIPs. Based on 20 years of experience working with people and my own research in the areas of:

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Osteopathy
  • Channeling
  • Radioesthesia
  • Hypnosis

And also modern energy practices:

  • Progressor of cosmoenergetics
  • Reiki Master
  • Studied: Vedas, Upanishads, Hindu Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Orthodox Christianity, Catholic Christianity
  • Studied at the Fourth Way school and other secret sects.

Based on this knowledge, I created my own system of working with the psyche and somatics, the Voronin Method.

The vibrations of the human energy field reflect his spiritual experience. The deeper the spiritual path of the Master, the stronger the healing effect of his vibrations transmitted through meditations. Valentin combines the knowledge of three directions of Tibetan Buddhism and has extensive experience in various practices, such as Reiki, cosmoenergetics and others. He has developed a system of attention and consciousness management for healing, which he shares in his courses and retreats. The meditations he conducts promote restoration and healing in the chosen directions.

About school

The White Mirror School is a place for those who are just beginning to find their spiritual path, and for those who have already acquired a firm understanding of the importance of growth and development. This is a space where you can always get support, care and effective tools to improve your spiritual and material life. The White Mirror School of Self-Development has attracted the attention of many thanks to its unique approach to attunements. The idea of introducing attunements into the educational process arose from Valentin's desire to create a deep interaction between participants, where everyone can express themselves, hear others and receive support and understanding.

The absence of negative feedback indicates that the attunements received in our school are truly effective and valuable for the participants. They allow each person to reveal their potential, enrich them with experience of communication and interaction, and create a supportive community where everyone feels important and understood.

Participants report that this approach helps them better understand themselves and their relationships with others, and develop empathy and effective communication skills, which in turn contributes to deeper and more conscious personal growth.

Discover new opportunities for personal growth and self-knowledge.

Our attunements will give you inner peace, balance and a deep sense of relaxation. You will gain tools to cope with everyday stress and tension, and improve your physical and emotional well-being. Join our practices and discover new opportunities for harmony and self-knowledge.

Frequently asked questions

What methods are used in attunements?

Attunement methods may include meditation, breathing practices, visualization, relaxation techniques, working with energy centers (chakras), prayer, and others.

What benefits can you get from attunements?

Attunements help relieve stress, improve psycho-emotional state, find inner peace, improve relationships with yourself and others, and also increase awareness and spiritual development.

How often should you do attunements?

The frequency of practice may vary and depends on your needs and capabilities. It is recommended to practice attunements regularly, for example, daily or several times a week.

Can attunements help with illnesses or injuries?

Attunements can complement medical treatment and help in the healing process, but do not replace it. It is important to seek help from a qualified professional to receive appropriate treatment.

How to choose appropriate attunement practices?

The choice of practices depends on your goals, needs and preferences. Contact Valentin for an expert selection of attunement.

Can attunements help improve sleep quality?

Yes, some attunement practices such as deep relaxation, meditation, and breathing techniques can help relieve stress and tension, which can lead to better sleep quality.

Can attunements help increase energy levels and vitality?

Yes, regular attunement practice can help balance the body's energy, increase vitality, and improve overall well-being.

Can attunements help in managing emotions and stress?

Yes, many attunement techniques, such as meditation and breathing practices, can help you manage emotions, reduce stress levels, and increase self-awareness.

Can attunements help improve concentration and memory?

Yes, some attunement practices, especially meditation, can help improve concentration, memory, and cognitive function.

How long does it usually take to do attunements to see results?

The time required for results may vary depending on individual characteristics and regularity of practice. However, many people notice the first positive changes after just a few weeks of regular practice.

If you have not found your question,
you can contact our managers.

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Feedback from attunement participants

News and articles

Articles devoted to various issues of enriching one's own knowledge and questions on the path of learning.
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Жизнь в согласии с собой

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Как наладить гармоничные отношения с близкими родственниками

Друзья, такое явление встречается довольно часто. Важно уметь находить подход.

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Как понять источник импульса: светлый он или темный?

В любом случае, если этот импульс позитивный, он несет в себе знак «плюс» — нечто правильное, доброе, позитивное. Соответственно, импульс отрицательной системы всегда идет со знаком «минус». То есть, это уже не про идею и развитие.