Central Nervous System Frequencies
Frequencies of the divine hierarchy that help regulate the functioning of the central nervous system.
Frequencies of the Central Nervous System are one of the tools of the author's set of frequencies.
These are special tools for working with the body and the energy-information field of a person.
The source of frequencies is the Divine hierarchy. They differ from others in their more targeted work to solve specific dysfunctions in the human field. They do not require long practice, they work immediately, regardless of the level of your spiritual development.

About the expert

Valentin Voronin
Founder of the school of self-development "White Mirror". Practicing psychotherapist, Master of Psychology, hypnologist. A sought-after coach for VIPs. Based on 20 years of experience working with people and my own research in the areas of:
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Osteopathy
- Channeling
- Radioesthesia
- Hypnosis
And also modern energy practices:
- Progressor of cosmoenergetics
- Reiki Master
- Studied: Vedas, Upanishads, Hindu Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Orthodox Christianity, Catholic Christianity
- Studied at the Fourth Way school and other secret sects.
Based on this knowledge, I created my own system of working with the psyche and somatics, the Voronin Method.
The vibrations of the human energy field reflect his spiritual experience. The deeper the spiritual path of the Master, the stronger the healing effect of his vibrations transmitted through meditations. Valentin combines the knowledge of three directions of Tibetan Buddhism and has extensive experience in various practices, such as Reiki, cosmoenergetics and others. He has developed a system of attention and consciousness management for healing, which he shares in his courses and retreats. The meditations he conducts promote restoration and healing in the chosen directions.
Central nervous system
Spinal Cord and Brain
The frequencies of the "CNS" channel regulate the work of the Spinal and Brain:
- White matter of the brain.
- Gray matter of the brain.
- White matter of the spinal cord.
- Gray matter of the spinal cord.
- Cerebellum.
- Corpus callosum of the brain.
- Balancing of the cerebral hemispheres.
- Pons of the brain.
- 4th cerebral ventricle.
- Optical tubercles of the brain.
- Deep-Ancient brain.
- Reptilian brain.
- Parasympathetic nervous system.
- Sympathetic nervous system.
- Dura mater.

How can CNS frequencies be used?
As a daily practice for working out negative programs for 20-40 minutes a day at the same time.
Turn on at night to restore the Central Nervous System.
The Central Nervous System is responsible for the overall balance of all systems in the body.
It is the attunement of the brain, spinal cord and individual glands and systems of the brain that participate in the management and regulation of the entire organism at the energy level.
A common problem for humans is that their consciousness and subconscious, what is called the conscious mind, ego, personality, and the deep ancient brain that knows everything, which is the essence of global archetypal processes, conscious, which is included in the collective subconscious - they are not connected.
And the connection between them is very difficult to remember. The connection between them is broken.
The frequencies of the "CNS" work to restore normal "relationships" between consciousness and subconsciousness. Between each of the glands, between each of the systems.
These are not healing frequencies. Yes, there will be healing, but as a positive side effect of balancing the entire system, and this is not the same as clinical practice.

Отзывы участников наших сонастроек
Other author's frequencies for working with body systems
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