Cosmoenergy - A Cutting-Edge Technology!

We incorporate Reiki, Cosmoenergy, and practices from disciplines like Qigong and even yoga. We believe that all practices have their place and that each contains positive and essential keys for growth.
At this stage, Cosmoenergy, in my opinion, stands out as a cutting-edge technology in the realm of energy work. It creates subtle yet profound positive changes that might take years to achieve through other practices and techniques.
Yes, we focus on Cosmoenergy. From a technical standpoint, these practices help individuals become aware of their own worldview, their perception of reality, and themselves. They enable people to recognize that the distortions they hide from themselves are often the root of their problems.
These distortions — emotional attachments and involvements in certain situations — are the primary issues. They are the very hooks that lead to further energetic or physical blockages and tensions. It’s crucial to emphasize here that the real issue isn’t the techniques themselves, but the individual.
If a person is mindful, observes their emotions and thoughts, and strives to express themselves in a positive and constructive way, they will move forward. Of course, when it comes to working through the layers of conditioning we've accumulated — much of it influenced by society — Cosmoenergy stands out as the most effective and ideal practice available.
Light and Love💖🙏
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