What is Love from a Multidimensional Perspective?

Understand this: within every person, there are programs at work. This may not be the romantic idea you expect, and it may even be unsettling for some. But the truth is, these programs activate hormones and trigger specific biochemical processes, which then create emotions. People often call this experience "love."
However, the cosmic and magical aspects of love, as I see it, is often missing. In fact, if desired, I can create the feeling of love in any mentally stable person within about fifteen minutes. By knowing which chakras to activate, in what sequence, how they relate to each other, and the specific key, amplitude, and frequency required, you can control this feeling.
You can essentially regulate both your own and another person’s endocrine system. Therefore, I don't see love as some mystical, uncontrollable force. Instead, I view it as a completely manageable aspect of our endocrine and energetic systems.
There are clues and an understanding of how this state of love emerges. Throughout a person's life, certain imprints form on the psyche, which act as keys to unlock this state. We all possess a limbic system, and we all carry the memory of our time in the womb, a state of paradise when we were developing as embryos. This phase is described by Stanislav Grof's four perinatal matrices, which are now recognized in modern psychology and psychiatry.
With the right techniques, energy practices, and manipulations, anyone can be guided into this state of love. Every person has experienced it at some point in their life, and they retain the memory of that feeling. If someone’s psyche is whole and not deeply wounded, this state can be easily restored, and they will naturally begin to feel these emotions.
Now, let’s approach it from another angle. What is love? I see it as the combination of our reactions, emotions, and perceptions of ourselves, others, and the world around us. These shape a series of ways we interact with our environment. If certain things disturb us, we consciously recognize them as problems, resist them, and create conflict.
This resistance is often the first sign of anxiety and indicates that a person has lost their sense of love. When someone is in love, they feel soft, calm, and gentle. They enjoy being alone with themselves, and they find comfort in the company of positive, like-minded people. Love is a state of deep ease and harmony, and the ways to achieve this feeling can vary.
Typically, when someone finds their soulmate or experiences the activation of hormones and chemistry within, they feel this emotion of love. However, if you begin to explore your own energy, to understand the structure of your energy field and how it functions—how chakras and their relationships truly work—not just as abstract concepts but through real practice, you can achieve a state of happiness, love, and harmony.
The real question is, how do you maintain this state and prolong it? This requires careful observation of your worldview and inner landscape. If everything is structured correctly, love will flourish, and everything will fall into place naturally.
Light and Love🙏💖
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