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How to Recognize the Source of an Impulse: Is it Light or Dark?

An impulse coming to a person inherently carries the intention of its source system. If the impulse is from a positive system, it unfolds and brings something greater into the system: something creative, constructive, and transformative. It may build new energies, processes, or situational dynamics. For example, it might lead to increased offspring, financial growth, new ideas, improved health, growth and development, or an addition of potential. In all cases, a positive impulse carries a "plus"—something right, good, and constructive.

Conversely, an impulse from a negative system brings a "minus." While it, too, introduces or amplifies something, it does so in a destructive way. For instance, it could bring negative information or foster the spread of harmful bacteria in the body. Alternatively, it may cut away, remove, or eliminate something, such as the loss of an item.

Both types of impulses can serve as beneficial. Sometimes, letting go of something is necessary for further growth—be it sins, flaws, imperfections, "trash," ignorance, envy, anger, aggression, fear, etc.

However, the process of elimination cannot continue indefinitely. Overdoing it can harm you, "cutting away" indiscriminately. It’s like holding a knife—you can use it to cut away obstacles in your path, and in that case, it’s helpful. But if you swing it carelessly, you risk injuring yourself or others. That’s how the negative system works—it provides cuts and removal, which are beneficial only when needed.

From a mental perspective, think of the mind as a computer—a machine with specific programs where anything can be coded. If a person reaches the level of a detached observer, able to see both light and dark, both good and bad, they no longer judge but simply observe.

Ultimately, all information is good; the question is what kind of information a person needs at a particular moment and what they don’t need at all. For example, a person may receive an impulse for growth and development, but applying this to cancer cells would be highly undesirable, wouldn’t it?

Similarly, the immune system—essentially a "killer" within us—might seem negative. It embodies energies of aggression within the body, yet it’s necessary to remove "trash" and eliminate infections or invasive elements in the body. This internal aggression is crucial for maintaining boundaries; otherwise, the body might begin attacking itself. Autoimmune systems function by distinguishing "self" from "non-self."

The flip side is this: if we are entirely good-natured and pure, and our immune system becomes complacent with nothing to fight (because we stand for peace, light, and against conflict), pre-cancerous cells may start multiplying. If we then add growth and development impulses to these cells, the result moves in the wrong direction.

Remember: balance is essential! Knowledge allows you to run when you need to run and stand still when you need to stand still. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter where the impulse comes from—positive or negative—if you don’t know when to act or remain still.

Light and love, friends. Observe, practice, and absorb information correctly.

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