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How to establish a harmonious relationship with close relatives

Not every situation calls for distancing yourself from someone, nor is it always necessary.

When it comes to relationships with parents and other close relatives, finding a constructive approach is essential. Avoiding relatives isn’t the answer—instead, focus on building healthy relationships with them. This reflects your real growth and development.

Growth and development will always be mirrored in your relationships with those around you, especially in your relationships with close family members.

When I started my journey of growth and development, it wasn’t just that no one believed in me—everyone thought I was out of my mind. I worked hard to avoid provoking conflicts and to refrain from asserting my correctness, even when I knew for certain that I was right. If I was twenty times better at something, I would simply stand back, observe, and not interfere with what the other person was doing.

This effort led me from strained and, I would even say, broken relationships to ones built on balance, harmony, trust, and understanding.

Balance in Relationships

When it comes to managing your energy and intentions, you need to know when to be flexible and yield, and when to firmly assert your stance.

If you want to prove your path in life is the right one, simply live it and show it through your actions. Let others see the results of your beliefs and choices. That way, there’s no need for arguments or confrontations.

If things don’t work out despite your efforts, avoid creating unnecessary drama—just distance yourself. People will deal with their ignorance on their own.

If you want others to understand your truth, you need to become an authority in their eyes. To earn that authority, start by doing what they ask. These are often simple things: washing dishes, helping around the house, cooking a meal, or giving them your attention. Just do it, and let this practice become a form of self-discipline for you.

If you find yourself unable to set aside your ego and fulfill a loved one’s simple request, it’s a sign that you’re still at a different stage in your personal growth and need to continue working on yourself.

Light and Love 🙏💖

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