Master of the School of Self-Development "White Mirror"
Leading student of Valentin Voronin
Restores, balances and improves the energetic and, as a result, physical state of a person with the help of Cosmoenergetics, frequencies of the Divine Hierarchy, Reiki.
Specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine - energy restoration, filling and balancing of the five main organs (according to the primary elements), working with the endocrine system, diagnostics and cleansing of the energy-information field.
Conducts diagnostics and recovery sessions in person and remotely using photographs.
Igor Vasin
You can sign up for a session in person or remotely using photography.
Energy work from the best students - practicing masters
Valentin Voronin
If you have external energy-informational damage (damage, evil eye, negative connections, etc.), Ruslan will remove them.
Balancing and Restoration
After the external load is removed from you, Ruslan will launch programs selected for you to restore the potential of your energy-information field, structures and organs. In person includes a full session of osteopathy.
Ruslan will do an energy scan, or an in-person diagnosis of the physical body, listen to the problems and explain what needs to be worked on.
"I had to go through a lot in life and by about 33 years old I had successfully "dismantled" myself. My health was on the brink, constant strong pills became a common way of life. Family relationships were badly damaged.
I began to look for methods to restore myself and correct the situation.
I first began to study Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and other self-development practices. I contacted Valentin Voronin in 2017 and since then began studying here.
Today I don't need any pills for a normal life, good interaction with people, and restored communication with my family. I began to evolve greatly from the moment I started studying at the White Mirror School.

Since I studied Chinese medicine, I understand well how the internal organs and systems of a person function according to TCM and I know how to balance and put them in order.
Initially, I began to study this for myself, then I began to apply it to my loved ones. And since 2020, when the Moscow Club was created, practice has begun with people with successful recovery from severe infectious diseases and a depressed state.

After receiving initiations from Valentin Voronin: Cosmoenergetics, Reiki, Streams of the Divine Hierarchy and the Divine Channel - knowledge about the structure of the human body and the causes of illness from the point of view of TCM began to increasingly grow into a new method of work.
All this together gives me the opportunity to work holistically and with understanding with people, restoring their energy structure, thereby improving physical health and improving the overall level of well-being and self-awareness in life. After the diagnosis, I understand what this person needs to do here and now.

Currently I conduct online meditations, lectures and sessions online and offline in Moscow.

Sign up, I'll be glad to meet you!"
Igor Vasin
Master of the School of Self-Development
"White Mirror"
If you don't find your answers below, please contact our managers.
  • Question
    How does a session work and how long does it last?
    Session takes please remotely, online, from 1 and half to 2 hours via WhatsApp.
    You need to send a photo and just before the session sit into meditation "Hollow Bamboo."
    (If sitting becomes hard, you may lay down)
  • Question
    How will Valentine give me feedback?
    Valentin will leave a reply or an audio message.
  • Question
    Can I change the date if something changes on my end?
    Yes, let our managers know in advance (minimum of 24 hours) and we will reschedule to a new time and day.
  • Question
    When can I make a payment?
    Whenever it's convenient for you, however, the schedule fills up quickly. We can schedule a time and day after payment is received.
  • Question
    Will I be able to speak to Valentin?
    You will be able to explain to Valentin – what worries you, what you would like to work with, why you scheduled a consultation. Valentin may ask you to describe your sensations and observations during or after the consultation.
  • Question
    I want to book a healing session for my mother, brother, daughter, etc. Is this possible?
    This is possible only if the other person agrees to a healing session. If they agree – we can schedule the best time and date. If the work is to be done with a child under 14 years of age, we first check the mother of the child. Our manager will be able to explain everything to you in detail.
  • Question
    What did Valentin diagnose and see? Did it work or is another session needed? What to expect?
    After the work is completed, Valentin will inform you. He may ask you about how you feel.
    Sometimes he may explain your state and your current situation and what you should be working on. If additional sessions are needed, Valentin will inform you after the first consultation.
  • Question
    What time do consultations and sessions take place?
    We try to pick the best possible time and date for you. However, Valentine travels a lot and due to time differences, consultations may take place at different hours of the day.
  • Question
    Can I make a payment in multiple parts?
    In some cases, this is possible. Please speak to our managers for possible options. If you already discussed this with Valentin and he agreed, please send a screenshot or the message to the managers.
  • Question
    Can I schedule a session now but pay closer to the day and time of the session?
  • Question
    Does Valentin need to see me during a session?
    No, video call is not needed. Only a photograph.
  • Question
    I am recording my feelings and observations into a notebook. Who do I send it to? To Valentin?
    A notebook or a diary is needed for you to more closely monitor your personal progress. No need to send it to anyone, but you may refer to it during a consultation.