Retreat expedition to the anomalous zone with Valentin Voronin
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The retreat to Karelia is the most transformational, according to the students of our School.
This is the retreat that everyone looks forward to doing again and every year the number of participants grows exponentially!
An anomalous zone, constant contact with the Master, the practice of "Day without Eyes" and a week without contact with the outside world - you will definitely return as a different person.
Karelia, Mount Vottovaara
August 2022
161000 rub
7 days of living in a tent camp in an anomalous zone with a team of like-minded people
The absence of mobile Internet will create complete immersion in the retreat program
Let's learn to feel the energies at the Place of Power
Practice "Day without eyes". Opens energy vision
Get answers to many of your questions
Group meditation at the top of the mountain
You will greatly enhance the effect of the attunements and initiations you have already received.
Understand how frequencies work with your own field structure
You will begin to see and feel energies, read internal and external information
Learn to balance yourself, calm your mind, activate your own energy channel
Look how it was last time
Immerse yourself in the atmosphere
mysterious Karelia
Vottovaara is one of the highest points in Karelia - 417 meters above sea level, and a stunning panorama opens up from here, but the main beauty is on the mountain itself. Trees that seem to grow with their roots upward, seids - giant stones standing on small boulders, a huge amphitheater, stunning with its natural architecture, and a "stairway to heaven" - 13 stone steps leading to a cliff.

Valentin Voronin
Balances and harmonizes the whole entire system,cleanses, and gets rid of energy informal damages, which brings human organism to a healthy and balanced state.
Teaches seminars, courses and how to independently work with your energy body.
Travels the world and holds retreats in places of power.
Determines and diagnoses the state of the chakral system, presence of negative channels and programs.
Magister of Psychology.
Practicing Master-Teacher since 2006.