Checklist and video for meditation "Empty bamboo"
The word "meditation" is used in our time for quite a few processes and phenomena.
The first thing that is called meditation is the so-called meditative practices. Among them are various energy flows, and any forms of calming the mind and concentration, affirmations, as well as all kinds of egregorial practices that have a ritual part (prayer, attunement).

All these practices have a beginning and an end. You prepare for practice, you do the practice and complete this action - move on to ordinary life.

In fact, this cannot be called inner work and meditation. It's like preparation for it.

The next stage of meditation practice is observing your breathing, body position and your own thoughts and emotions. Here the practice is spread over the entire waking time and begins to be divided into only two moments: you are awake and remember about the practice, that is, you are doing internal work, and when you fall asleep and forget about it.

This is where the part that is called begins to appear: you know that you are awake, but you yourself begin to notice that you are sleeping. This is a very interesting observation. In which you come closest to touching the inner observer who notices the distance between yourself and your thoughts - feelings and mechanical reactions.

Here we can say that a person has awakened, that is, awareness manifests itself in him in the form of the rudiments of an observer and concentration of attention on him.

Of course, in any meditation practice this can happen to you too.

And the next stage is when the contact with your inner observer becomes inextricable - permanent.
Then the presence of meditation enters a person's life and can manifest itself simply by intention. And when the intention is not expressed, the connection still remains, but as if in a latent state, waiting, always ready to come to the surface.

You can start from the first or second stage, do meditative practices, observe your breathing and your own thoughts.

But meditation may or may not happen.

For starters, I always recommend the Empty Bamboo practice. Briefly, this is a meditation practice for beginners that should be done while sitting without crossing your legs. Absolutely anyone can do it.

Subsequently, immersing in Empty Bamboo and touching meditative practices, a person usually discovers fragmentation within himself. That is, a lot of subpersonalities and psycho-emotional blockages sit inside the psyche - the body of the mind, as well as the physical body - tensions that create tissue vectors in the physical body - osteopathic vectors, which leads to failures and disorders of the body as a whole. By taking attunements as a tool for energetic and transformational work, doing meditative practices and observing oneself, a person slowly dissolves these internal divisions between himself and himself, coming to who he really is. And only at this stage, when there are no internal divisions left, continuing to do internal work, a person finds himself in a state of meditation, silence, inner harmony, peace of mind, intuition, deep wisdom and understanding of himself and the world around him. And only from this moment begins the activation of the internal mental Force and its growth and development, which have no end.

Light and Love
This space was created to help you navigate the huge variety of techniques and practices that people know as self-development and personal growth practices.

This space was created specifically for you, to help you work on yourself and understand yourself, your inner world.

In our ecosystem you will find friends and like-minded people with whom you can discuss, reflect, travel and move forward in working on yourself.

We do not belong to any denominations or religious beliefs. We do not rely on beliefs, but use everything that can help a person remain physically and mentally healthy and healthy.
Founder Valentin Voronin